
2014 Famous Inked Models Calendar BTS Video
PURCHASE CALENDAR AT WWW.REVITAINK.COM Featured Models Amber Kidd Angel Payne Darla Roseberry Gia Von Tate Harley Quinn Jess El Julia Valverde Katrina Franchina Kim…

Gold Rush Kings – Sticky Icky / Music Video
artist: GOLD RUSH KINGS (GRK) song: Sticky Icky off Liquid Gold Tape available on iTunes now http://bit.ly/16El9Wx GoldRushKings.com director: Archi Prudencio cinematographers: Joe Nguyen /…

“THE CLIQUE IS BACK” THE BEAT FREAKS Lindsey “OutThere” Blaufarb @im_lindseyB Rino Nakasone @rinOkinawa Bonita Lovett @bgirlbonita Teresa Espinosa @espinosa22 Keeley “Lockn’ Key” Kaukimoce…

Discogs . John AD of Anthem Records . Portland, OR
Jon AD has operated Portland, OR -based record shop and label Anthem Records since 2004, and has been a prominent Discogs member since 2006. While the…

Discogs Video Series . Skylar Hardenbrook . Los Angeles, CA
L.A.-based Skylar Hardenbrook has a strong background as a drummer and jazz musician, but collecting and cataloging rare finds is what he really loves…